Romance Weekly

on April 5, 2016

This week, the challenge comes from the fabulous Carrie Elks:

Carrie Elks new

Spring is all about rebirth, and I always think it’s a much better time to make resolutions than at New Year. With that in mind, if you were to make any new resolutions what would they be? They don’t have to be writing – related!

T.S. Eliot said April was the cruellest (sic) month because it makes promises it doesn’t deliver. But Robert Frost said spring was the mischief in him. Me, I go with Frost. When the trees change from empty sticks reaching out and morph into little green buds ready to burst, I feel energized. So, I agree, it is always better to make resolutions when you’re in a positive frame of mind and the possibilities seem endless. And adventures await.

Every spring I feel the urge to purge and I like that resolution. Out with the stuff I haven’t used in a year (or two or three). The spaces cry out for dusting and washing and my house is reborn.

I resolve to write more every day, to participate more in the activities that enhance my life rather than drain my energy.  I promise to plant my garden as soon as the threat of frost has passed, so I can reap the benefits come summer and fall.

I resolve to count my blessings every day and appreciate all the gifts I have been given. And every spring, my husband and I celebrate our wedding anniversary. I resolve to make my marriage better, even though it’s already pretty great.

Spring banishes the cobwebs in my brain that sometimes seem to hold me back. And I am happy. I resolve to hold onto that feeling.

And I resolve to live happily ever after, just like in my books.


Let’s see what the wonderful and (hopefully recovered) Tracey Gee resolves, besides getting and staying well.

One thought on “Romance Weekly”

  1. GemmaBrocato says:

    I love your outlook on Spring. it’s awesome.

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