Romance Weekly

on October 6, 2015

If you’ve hopped over from the remarkably talented and prolific Collette Cameron, welcome.


This week’s challenge is presented by the wonderful Kristi Rose:

Kristi Rose

“What would you do” questions pick your favorite (s):

  1. Describe your life in 20 words or less
  2. If your life was like Seinfeld, Buffy the Vampire Slayer, or Golden girls. What character would you be?
  3. Who would win a fight between Chuck Norris and MacGyver?
  4. Would you rather be bald or have a hug mullet for the rest of your life?

I think I have to go with question 1 and 3.

Question # 1 –  Wake up, drink coffee, check e-mail, write.  Lunch, errands, write. Dinner, read, sleep. What an incredibly exciting and varied life. Not so much, but I LOVE every minute of it!

Question # 3 – Sorry, Chuck, but brains win every time. There is nothing sexier than a man who can think on his feet and come up with (sometimes outlandish) solutions that work! Or at least lead to the answer. I believe life is a series of challenges that we have to face every day. Some good, some not. But to have a man around who can help you think outside the box is indeed a blessing. Now, there is something to be said for testosterone and macho. But, bottom line, give me a man who knows the sexiest organ is the brain.

front cover (2)DefiantBride_140x210

Now, let’s jump over and see which questions the amazing Jenna Da Sie answered.

4 thoughts on “Romance Weekly”

  1. I think MacGyver is winning this blog tour! Glad to hear it!

  2. Josie Malone says:

    I like a smart man too, but have to admit that someone who can push the wheelbarrow and jumps in to muck stalls will always be sexy in my book! Hmm, that could be why my heroes do!

  3. Kristi says:

    It’s funny how MacGyver is winning the fight. No one has picked Chuck. Hmmm.BTW: your life sounds a lot like mine except I take breaks to scream at kids:-)

    1. Mine’s at college or I’d be yelling at him, too. LOL

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