‘Do you like to read romance novels? Wouldn’t you like to know more about your favorite authors? Well you came to the right place! Join the writers of Romance Weekly as we go behind the scenes of our books and tell all….. About our writing of course! Every week we’ll answer questions and after you’ve enjoyed the blog on this site we’ll direct you to another. So come back often for a thrilling ride! Tell your friends and feel free to ask us questions in the comment box.
This week’s questions come from the delightful Fiona Riplee.
1. Does humor help or hinder you in your creative process?
Humor is everything! It is so important. It breaks the tension and keeps me (and hopefully my readers) interested. I believe the heart is more open when you can laugh.
2. What is a favorite go-to book or movie you use to unblock a problem in your writing.
I know she’s from the old school, but Kathleen Woodiwiss can always pull me back into the magic of writing. Any of her books.
3. What’s the most inspiring book you’ve read this week or month that’s generated a new idea?
I spent some time a few weeks ago judging a contest and it was so inspiring . There was one entry in particular that impressed me. The premise was convoluted, but the writing was so strong, I was there. The author made me believe it. That’s great writing. I aspire to that every day. It also encouraged me to push the envelope, which suggests ideas I might have previously rejected.
Let’s see what Jo Richardson has to say. Hop over with me.
Jo Richardson http://jrrichardsonfics.wordpress.com/ And don’t forget those comments.
I agree, “Humor is everything.” I love to use it to ease tension.
Laughing with someone you love really does open your heart. I think it’s vital in a romance.
I also had a wonderful experience contest judging Leslie. You reminded me how much. I need to do that again. Cheers!
Humor does make seemingly impossible situations bearable. And great writing does provide a light to a path previously unseen or rejected.
I’ll bet the writer from that contest really appreciated your comments. Not every writer is lucky enough to get positive reinforcement that way.
Thanks. She’s a wonderful writer and should be encouraged.
It’s funny that you should mention contests, I was just talking about them with another friend. She was a judge recently, and she had similar comments about one of the books that she read: great story with a surprisingly complicated premise that actually worked. Maybe it’s a trend? =) Awesome post!