Category Archives: Reviews

Romance Weekly

on February 7, 2017

The wonderful Carolyn Spear led this week’s hop…


This time the challenge comes from the very talented S. C. Mitchell:

Flash Fiction Challenge: Give us a romantic scene to set the mood for Valentine’s Day.

Here’s mine…

Stephanie closed her eyes to blot out the glare of the computer screen. She felt empty, except for the churning frustration. Writers’ block. Or in this case, copywriters’ block. The client wanted something fresh to sell engagement rings over the upcoming holiday. But, what new could be said about Valentine’s Day that hadn’t already been? It was a joke. Hearts, flowers? True love? Like Santa Claus and the Easter Bunny. There was no such thing. Soul mate? Not so much.

How about that old faithful image of the fairy tale knight in shining armor riding up on his white horse? Yeah, right. She mentally rolled her eyes.

She had to get outside, away from the torment of the keyboard that just laughed at her lack of creativity today.

Bundled up in a parka and scarf, gloves and a hat, Stephanie headed to the park. It was freezing out. But she hoped the fresh air would do her good, maybe clear her brain and allow her to enter the fantasy world of make believe romance.

You’re a copywriter. You can make stuff up, right?

There were few brave souls out today, since it was too cold for the less hearty. She walked quickly, afraid she might freeze to death if she didn’t keep moving. Without thinking, or looking, she rounded a corner. It all happened in a split second.

The horse reared and its rider twisted to keep the animal from stomping her to death. She heard “Look out!” but she was already trying to jump out of the way. She stumbled into the bushes and fell, face first, onto the frozen earth.

Then, strong hands were reaching for her. Gently, a man lifted her head into his lap and stroked her cheek. Stephanie blinked and found herself staring into eyes the deep green of a summer meadow. They were filled with concern.

“Are you all right? I am so sorry. I didn’t see you.”

“It was my fault…” she started to say, but the fingers touching her face were leaving a trail of irresistible warmth.

“Let me help you up.”

She stood a little shakily and did a mental inventory. It seemed nothing was hurt but her pride.

He looked at her expectantly. He was so incredibly handsome, it took her breath away.

“I—I think I’m fine.” She gave the man a half smile.

“Stay here. I need to get Popcorn.”

Stephanie was confused. “But, I’m not hungry.”

He laughed, a rich baritone sound. “My horse.”

“Your horse’s name is Popcorn.”

“My favorite food.” He said it as if it made perfect sense. And oddly enough, it did.

When he returned, she noticed the horse was pure white. Of course it was. This was too good to be true.

“I cannot tell you how sorry I am.” He was so sincere and so amazingly attractive.  “Can I take you to dinner to make it up?”

If his name was Prince Charming, she’d lose it.

She held out her hand. “My name is Stephanie.”

He wrapped his fingers around hers and electricity passed up her arm. “Charles. Charles Prince.”

Stephanie shook her head to loosen her preconceived notions. Did this mean there might be a Santa Claus? Or at least a fairy godmother!

Happy Valentine’s Day and may all your dreams come true!

Since this was his idea, let’s hop over to read the fabulous S. C. Mitchell’s flash fiction.

S.C. Mitchell

Romance Weekly

on January 31, 2017

Welcome and thanks for stopping by. Did I really ask this question this week?

What is your favorite romance genre and why?

I didn’t specify if that was for reading or for writing, did I?

Well, for reading, I love a good romantic suspense. And then there are historicals. And of course, can’t forget contemporaries written by some of the best, like Kristin Higgins. Truth is, I love a good story. Draw me in, introduce me to the characters and let me sink into their world. So, bottom line, it doesn’t matter what genre as long as it’s well written.

For me as a writer…well. I obviously jump all over the place. I had so much fun researching and writing my historicals…

There’s my contemporary…which is also kind of a romantic suspense…


Then, there is my “Dance” series, which is historical with a touch of the paranormal…

(coming soon)

(and working on the fourth one…”A Dance in Time”)

And I have just released my two new romantic suspense novels…

Maybe I just can’t make up my mind….

But I hope they all speak to my readers and take them on a journey….

Now let’s hop over and see what the fabulous A.S. Fenichel’s favorite is….

AS Fenichel newest

Romance Weekly

on January 24, 2017

This week, the challenge from the very inventive Jenna Da Sie:

Would you rather? 1) Would you rather go way back in time and meet your ancestors Pre 1800’s or go way into the future and meet your great grandchildren Post 2200? 2) Would you rather have no internet or no cell phone? 3) Would you rather talk like Yoda or breathe like Darth Vader? 4) Would you rather have the ability to fly or read minds? 5) Would you rather have mermaids be real or unicorns be real?

  1. As an historical romance writer, I think we tend to romanticize the past. After all, there were no medicines, no plumbing, no conveniences we take for granted. The variety of food was limited and people probably mostly smelled bad…just saying. So going back in time for real loses some of its appeal. Also, there is so much written about the past and my imagination loves to fill in the blanks.

Now…the future…I cannot even begin to grasp how many advances in technology will be forthcoming. Look how far we’ve come in the last sixty years or so. So many possibilities. It might be a joyous experience and it might be terribly depressing, but I think I’d like to know.

  1. I can live just fine without my cell phone, but I go crazy if the internet is down even for a few minutes. I can’t imagine going back to doing research without Google. And with email, unlike just talking, you can think about what you’re going to say before you blurt out something you wish you hadn’t said.
  1. I would much rather talk like Yoda and be like Yoda. Besides, who want to be a ‘breather’?
  1. This one is easy. I would definitely rather read minds! Of course, if I knew what everyone was thinking, I might just want to be able to fly (away).
  1. I think I’d rather unicorns be real. I would love to be a mermaid for a day or so, but long term…unicorns speak of love and peace and all good things. Yep, unicorns get my vote.

Let’s hop on over to the incredibly talented Carolyn Spear and see what she would rather …


Romance Weekly

on January 17, 2017

This week’s challenge comes from the amazing S. C. Mitchell:


Tell us about the people living in your head right now. Do an interview with the hero and/or heroine of your current work in progress or your latest release.

There are a lot of people living in my head right now. Tom and Beth are investigating a serial killer. (Available now!)


Nick and Lily are trying to save her restaurant – and her life. (Available soon)


Margaret has disguised herself as a Court Jester in 1616 England and is falling for Lord Seth, who is looking to save his clan. (Also available soon)


But the ones battling it out for attention the loudest are Grace and Shera.

Grace is the heroine of the fourth in the “Dance” series. I was only going to tell the stories of three of the women, but Grace wouldn’t stop nagging. Okay, Grace…what do you have to say for yourself?

My husband is unkind and my life is miserable. I need to escape somehow. But then, I discover a bottle with a note and find a way into the past. Waiting is Pierce and so many new challenges. Can I stay with him or must I go back to my terrible life?

And you, Shera…what is it?

I have been kidnapped and taken to Morocco to join the harem of some Sultan. I need to escape and find who did this to me. My only possible ally is a dangerous man by the name of Kincaid whose wife has been taken and killed. Can I enlist his aid? Will his desire for revenge ever allow him to love again?

Two women seeking their fates….

Yes, Ladies, I’m working on it!

I wonder what the fabulous author of this challenge has going on with his characters. Let’s hop over and see…

S.C. Mitchell

Romance Weekly

on March 8, 2016

If you’ve just hopped over from the fabulous S.C. Mitchell, welcome!

SC Mitchell

And here is this week’s challenge:

Good reviews, we love them! Bad reviews, we hate them…but some of them are helpful. What was your favorite negative review?

Let me start by saying a five star review makes my day, my week! There is nothing better than knowing someone read one of my books and really enjoyed it.

On the flip side, there are the not so good reviews. Sure they hurt. When I write a book, I put my heart and soul into it and it makes me sad to know a reader didn’t like it.

Then again, some of my favorite bad reviews were too silly to be taken personally. A reader rejected “Texas Summer” because there was too much sex and violence. Really? It’s a romantic suspense.


And another didn’t like “The Defiant Bride” because when the hero was shot with an arrow, the heroine didn’t use proper medical technique to treat the wound. Seriously? It’s set in 1510 England. Another reader was angry because the heroine was beautiful and that apparently made her inherently evil??????


I suppose my soon-to-be released “Hannah’s War” will make someone unhappy since it’s set in the Civil War, a most bloody conflict. But, I hope the message of hope and love will be what most readers remember.


I know there will always be some who don’t like my work. Fact of life. But the good news is, there are readers who do enjoy my stories and that is worth everything. And I am grateful for them every day!

Now, let’s hop over to the wonderful and talented Kathryn Renard and see how she handles bad reviews.

 Kathryn Renard

Romance Weekly

on September 1, 2015

If you’ve joined me from the incredible Jo Richardson…welcome.

Jo Richardson

This week’s challenge comes from the remarkable Jeanne McDonald.

Jeanne McDonald

What is one of your favorite quotes from your book(s). Explain the reason why it’s your favorite and its significance to the story and characters.

First, I have to give credit where it’s due. Gemma Brocato has written some of the best quotable lines of all time! You should check out her books!

Here’s one of my favorites from “Hannah’s War” which is due to be published by Eternal Books.

The devil she escaped, the danger to her very life, was someone who promised to love, honor and keep her, in sickness and in health until death parted them.

This was my choice since it sums up the total betrayal of an abusive marriage. In this scene, Hannah is running away to a better life. This is her true battle. Set in the Civil War, it depicts the agony of conflict, whether it’s on a field of battle or in your own home. And the survival.

Hannah is one of the lucky ones. She escapes and manages to find real love with a man who is kind and decent and cares for her. So many women suffer and die at the hands of one who appeared to be so wonderful in the beginning.

Writing this was a great catharsis for me and I am grateful to be able to share it.

smaller TS cover DefiantBride_140x210Captains Captive Cover 600x900

Now let’s hop over to see what quote Jeanne McDonald likes best. After all, this was her idea.